
Sign up for a subscription

To enjoy the benefits of Cyclocity-Toyama bikes all year round, subscribe directly online using a bank card. It's easy and quick!

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Station Map

Station Map
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List of stations

Click here for the list of 23 Cyclocity-Toyama stations and to download the map.

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Fact file

Cyclocity-Toyama keeps you informed about all the advantages and benefits of cycling, jobs specific to the self-hire bike service, users' travel habits... you can acquire or brush up on your urban cycling skills !

A simple way of helping

Cyclocity-Toyama is a means of transport that is easy to use and practical, and it is also a way of helping to protect the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The simple action of picking up and returning a bike from a station avoids taking your car and reduces your CO² emissions.

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