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A simple way of helping

A simple way of helping


Cyclocity-Toyama is a means of transport that is easy to use and practical, and it is also a way of helping to protect the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The simple action of picking up and returning a bike from a station avoids taking your car and reduces your CO² emissions.

With Cyclocity-Toyama, you will also be able to opt for intermodality and change the way you travel. Sited near bus stops and railway stations, Cyclocity-Toyama stations make everyday life easier for users, who can choose to switch means of transport according to the weather conditions or their working hours. The self-service bikes thus encourages the use of cycles for urban journeys.

Designed for short journeys averaging around 20 minutes, Cyclocity-Toyama enables users to get from one station to another rapidly. It offers city dwellers an alternative to the systematic use of a car for short journeys, which are highly damaging to the environment.

Cyclocity-Toyama users will no longer have to drive around looking for a place to park.

Instead, they will enjoy lungfuls of fresh air and a little physical exercise on their daily journeys: better for health, better for the environment.