
Sign up for a subscription

To enjoy the benefits of Cyclocity-Toyama bikes all year round, subscribe directly online using a bank card. It's easy and quick!

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Station Map

Station Map
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List of stations

Click here for the list of 23 Cyclocity-Toyama stations and to download the map.

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Bicycle Helmet Rental

Helmets are available for rent at the three locations where one-day pass applications are accepted. Read more



The subscription system offers you a choice between annual subscription or tickets valid for 7 or 2 days.
Taking out an annual subscription is quick and easy, and the formalities can be completed online.
Holders of PASSCA can activate their Cyclocity-Toyama subscription on their cards with minimum delay.



How does the short-term subscription work?

How do I use the anti-theft device?

How old do you have to be to use Cyclocity-Toyama ?


Hotline: 0120- 979-496

For any questions about the service or if you have any problems, call or mail

Road Safety Guidelines

Road Safety Guidelines

For your safety and that of other road users, please pay attention to your surroundings. You must be vigilant and respect the road signs when cycling in town. Please use the cycle paths to ensure a safe journey.

  Find out more