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Apology for delay in Teiki-pass basic fee billing date.


The credit card payment for March was completed on March 8.

This is Cyclocity Support Center. Thank you for using Cyclocity Toyama.

We have found that the billing procedure for the Teiki-pass basic fee,which is charged to your credit card on the 27th of every month, has been delayed due to a flaw in our system.

The credit card payment should have been made on February 27, but was completed today, March 8.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

There is no problem with the use of the bicycles. You can use the bicycles as usual.

If you have any questions regarding payment, please contact the Cyclocity Support Center.


シクロシティ富山サポートセンター Cyclocity Support Center

0120-979-496 (week days 10:00-17:00)