
Sign up for a subscription

To enjoy the benefits of Cyclocity-Toyama bikes all year round, subscribe directly online using a bank card. It's easy and quick!

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Occasional journeys

Occasional journeys


The short term subscription is a good way of testing the service before taking out a long-term subscription, or using Cyclocity-Toyama as and when you need it for occasional journeys.

An economical subscription

With a subscription by the week or 2days, you can hire a bike as often as you wish over the period of your subscription.

The first half-hour period of each journey is always free. After the first 30 minutes, you pay the appropriate hire rate. Consult hire rates online .

How to get your short term subscribe

Use your bank card and then follow the website menu, which will propose a short-term subscription and ask you to choose a PIN. You will be issued with a short term subscribe bearing an identification number that you will need to key in each time before hiring a bike. Alternatively, you can use your transportation IC card as a key for your bicycle. You can choose whether to use the IC card or not.

Remember to confirm acceptance of the general conditions of access and use in order to complete the transaction. You must keep the subscription with the identification number; you will need it to remove a bike from a station stand, and in the event of any complaint.