
Sign up for a subscription

To enjoy the benefits of Cyclocity-Toyama bikes all year round, subscribe directly online using a bank card. It's easy and quick!

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Station Map

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Click here for the list of 23 Cyclocity-Toyama stations and to download the map.

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Introduction to the service

Introduction to the service


Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, Cyclocity-Toyama enables you to travel freely by day or night. Whether you use the service regularly or just occasionally, you can make an unlimited number of trips over the period of your subscription.

Cyclocity-Toyama stations consist of a main terminal and individual racks to which the bikes are attached. Located in busy residential and shopping areas and near public transport, the stations are a simple and quick way to get around for a quick errand, the daily commute to work or getting to your favourite leisure activities.

Whether starting a journey, ending a journey, or bridging the gap between two forms of transport, Cyclocity-Toyama encourages intermodality and eco-friendly choices.

Simplicity itself to use: it takes only a few minutes to hire or return a bike. Take advantage of the opportunity to leave your car at home!