
Sign up for a subscription

To enjoy the benefits of Cyclocity-Toyama bikes all year round, subscribe directly online using a bank card. It's easy and quick!

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Long-term subscriber

Long-term subscriber


For just 700 yen per month, you can hire a bike as often as you wish over an annual period.
If you have a transportation IC card or ECOMYCA, it is just 500 yen per month.

The first half-hour period of each journey is free. After the first 30 minutes, you pay the appropriate hourly hire rate. Consult hire rates online. Hours used will be debited to your bank account.

Your Cyclocity-Toyama account

Your subscription makes hiring a bike quick and easy: simply swipe your Cyclocity-Toyama card and your transportation IC card or ECOMYCA, across the terminal reader or stands equipped with a card reader.

You can also check the credit on your Cyclocity-Toyama account and check journey payments, either at the station or on the website, under the heading "My Account".

Bank card: simple and quick

To save time and subscribe online without the need for correspondence, use your bank card to take out an annual subscription online. Payment is fully secure and the whole process takes only minutes.

You can activate your Cyclocity-Toyama subscription on transportation IC card or ECOMYCA and start using the service straight away.

You can also take out a subscription by direct debit. For a 1 Year subscription, complete the subscription form and return it with a direct debit instruction to your bank for payment.

The form should be returned to the following address.
Name : Cyclocity Toyama office
Address : 5-7 Ushijima-cho Toyama

The guaranty (25,000 yen) will only be debited if you fail to comply with the general conditions of access and use or if the bike is not returned within 24 hours.