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Cyclocity-Toyama stations are open

Until April 30, opening special price!


Cyclocity-Toyama bikes are now hitting the streets, since March have access to 15 stations and 150 bikes. To celebrate the event, subscriptions are at special price until the end of April.

Cyclocity-Toyama bike sharing service was launched successfully on March 20. If you haven’t already subscribed, then click on the subscriptions section to find out more about the choices on offer: if you register before April 30, you will benefit from special opening prices!

PASSCA users who register for a 1-year pass will pay only 400 yen per month. In case of a Cyclocity card membership, it is 500 yen per month. You can also purchase a 7-day pass for only 600 yen.
As spring arrives, subscribe to Cyclocity-Toyama and make the most of the landscape and activities of the city.