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【notice】sidewalk tiles repird at 04 station south②station

【notice】sidewalk tiles repird at 04 station south②station


Some racks can not be used from the night of February 24.

Thank you for always using Cyclocity Toyama.
The tiled floor on the sidewalk in front of Toyama Station is being repaired.
There are some racks that cannot be used because the construction site covers part of 04 South Station②station.(next to CIC building)

If there is no bicycle or full, please use 03 station south① Station or 19 station plaza south entrance Station.

Construction period: from the night of February 24, 2020 (Monday and transfer holiday) to March 7(Saturday)
Unavailable racks: 4 to 14 (1 to 3 and 15 to 19 are available)

We apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Contact: Cyclocity Support Center
TEL 0120-979-496 (10:00 to 17:00 on weekdays) Email